Musolla Community New Blog
Author: Afiq Kamaruddin
May peace be upon you, dear brothers and sisters.
It has been quite a long time since Huzaifah (ex-Multimedia Bureau for MUSCOM 07/08) proposed the idea of getting a new domain for MUSCOM blog. Since its early establishment, MUSCOM blog was registered under the URL After years of undergoing modesty yet hectic life as an ordinary student,deluging with barrays of hardship and obstacles in spreading the words of Allah, finally our beloved MUSCOM blogspot has been upgraded drastically by our dedicated ex-Syumuls .
The new domain is New appearance, new theme, new background colour, new widgets, yet same undeniable inspired objective. Hopefully with this advancement, it will inspire more users to surf the informative and entertaning blog.It is quite user friendly though for all users. Regardless of your age or gender.
Personally I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Huzaifah and Alia for their effort in improving what has been improved beforehand. Indeed, it is absolutely a noble deed that we should learn from both of them. Both of you are totally superb! Alhamdulillah..and also not to forget, to all respected IluvIslam crew. Thank you very much for your support in enhancing the medium of 'Tarbeeyah' in this era of thirst-craving for dedicated and all rounded young mujahideen. May HIS blessings and prosperity will always be there with you guys!
For those who might be wondering why is quite prominent to KYUEM, well the answer is simple. The founders once were students of KYUEM. Meaning to say that they are our super seniors. Their continuous effort in retaining the enthusiasm of dakwah is highly appreciated. has spread its wings by making contacts with people around the world. The issues upraised have become more global with different perspectives and angles. They have become more mature in the way they think,act, and response. Indeed, life is all about learning.
Well guys, what are you waiting for? Just click on the MUSCOM logo at the right hand side of this blog to explore our MUSCOM new blog, or even you can click on the logo of underneath it to discover the beauty of Islam.