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Ups and downs
Author: Afiq Kamaruddin
For the past two days, it was kind of so-so day for me. Why? simply because I experienced ups and downs of life. Life is sweet, but it has bitterness too. Don't curse it, in fact try to turn it sweet. Well, firstly I've got my physics trial result. Alhamdulillah, the results for each components are as follows :
Paper 1 : A
Paper 3 : A
Paper 4 : D
Paper 5 : A
Overall : A
To be frank, despite of feeling relatively relief and happy, I am not feeling satisfy. Why? because of my disastrous paper 4 of course. Well, indeed something need to be done fast before it's to late.
Need to brush up some rusted thoughts to get shine. After all, I thank Allah for giving me this result. Indeed, the big chunky letter 'D' is meant for a high 'Driving Force' towards glory. InsyaAllah..
A day after that, I went to the Restoran Nelayan Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Purpose? Fulfilling the invitation from the new elected MUSCOM. They were organizing a so-called dinner to celebrate our retirement (the seniors of course) - that's what I heard from the Master of Ceremony. In a way, I do favour that the purpose was to tighten the bond between juniors and seniors. Well maybe some will say that it's kind of cliche, but ultimately its true. We were asked to wear Baju Batik. For me initially the idea was great, but the application was kind of bad. Why? because most of us were having difficulties while eating steamboat. Well, the steamboat itself is oily, and most of us just 'pinjam' the batik from our peeps. It will be just fine if we were allowed to wear casual smart. I am just expressing my opinion. Anyway the dinner was superb. Thanks guys! Especially Sayed for the inspiring souvenir..=)
During the dinner, once again I twisted my leg after performing Isyak prayer at the musolla provided. My knee cap dislocated. I couldn't strecth nor bend my leg. Only God knows how horrible was the pain. Thank God, Mua'dz was there to help. The future doctor managed to fit in my knee cap into its normal position. He finally turned off the tide for me..thanks bro!
Yesterday, before I went to the clinic to have a proper treatment concerning my knee cap, I had Chemistry class block 5. While we were running our experiment, Ms Shree suddenly gave us back our trial paper 4. Masya-Allah! I could not believe it! As if I am falling from the mount of Everest! (well, I might sound too exaggerate..sorry..hu2) . My results was terrible than the one I had before. Over 100 marks, I only manage to get 64%. I didn't want to bother about the grade. My target for this paper initially was 75% and above, and i have failed to do so. Although I felt sad and despair, I believe, there must be hikmah(s) that lies beneath it. It's easy to say, but kind of hard to swallow though. In the end we have to believe in fate. Sincerely, something must be done quick since exams are just around the corner.
Well, as life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you'll be on the top, and sometimes you'll be at the bottom. It's the matter of seizing the opportunities as they come, and turn disadvantages into advantages. I found it difficult to retain the best possession that I've once achieved, however I do find it possible to achieve something that I want to achieve. As long as we have persistent Usaha and Tawakkal A'la Allah. Nothing is impossible except to certain extent. Believe me, no calamity strikes except by Allah's will. We are the director of our play, with the aid of divine revelations.
"Baginya manusia ada malaikat-malaikat yang selalu menjaganya bergiliran, dari depan dan belakangnya. Mereka menjaganya atas perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kamu sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri. Dan apabila Allah mengkehendaki keburukan seuatu kaum, maka tak ada yang dapat menolaknya dan tidak ada pelindung bagi mereka melainkan DIA.." (Ar-Ra'd : 11)